Star OS for MTK6735
Custom Rom for MT6735
Rom Info:
Rom Name: Star OS
Chipset: MT6735
Android Version: 5.1 Lollipop
Kernel Version: 3.10.65
Rom Description:
This is a nice OS based on android Lollipop 5.1. This Rom as like OPPO Color OS.
It also has many new features.
Recently Lava mobile using this OS. You will get built in Lava apps on this OS.
Lava Data
Lava Location
Lava Clear
Lava LED
Lava Wallpaper
Lava Push
Lava Voice Command
Battery Optimizer
Custom Gesture
Many More...
Need to port for your device before flash
Flash process:
Reboot to Recovery Mode >
Wipe data/factory reset
Wipe cache partition
1. Format data
2. Format system
3. Format cache
4. Wipe dalvik cache
Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard
Select Rom zip file.
N.B. : All the Things do at your won Risk. I will not be responsible for any kind of Brick/Damage of your phone.
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