JellySlim Custom Rom
AOSP JellySlim Rom-MT6582 Jellybean Rom
Latest New Jellybean Rom for MTK6582
Rom Info:
Rom Name: JellySlim
Chipset: MT6582
Android Version: Jellybean [4.2.2]
Kernel: 3.4.5
Based on: AOSP
Rom Size- 131 MB
Developer: FMD
Nice and Smooth performance.
Quality of shooting improved.
Not running out of RAM
Improved rendering.
New values Dalvik.
GPU optimization.
Fixed many translations and graphical bugs.
Looks like AOSP.
Sewn Trebuchet 1.0.
Removed unnecessary items in the settings.
Multilingual Firmware.
Improved sound quality and video playback.
Sewn weather widget Lock Clock.
Proper positioning SD card and internal memory.
Ultra Gaming Rom
Stable Rom
Gaaps Jelly Slim Rom
Need to port for your device before flash
Flash process:
Reboot to Recovery Mode >
A.Wipe data/factory reset
B.Wipe cache partition
C. Mount and storage >
1. Format data
2. Format system
3. Format cache
D. Advanced >
1. Wipe dalvik cache
Back to the Main Menu.
Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard
Select Rom zip file.
N.B. : All the Things do at your won Risk. I will not be responsible for any kind of Brick/Damage of your phone.
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