- Dark Blue themed
- Material designed
- Marshmallow bootanimation
- Dark Mystic bootlogo
- Lollipop app icons
- Nova launcher prime default launcher
- Android M sounds
- Marshmallow platlogo & game
- CM12.1 music player
- Material themed dialer, contacts, mms , & all other system apps
- Floating action buttons in messaging & calender
- Card stack recent panel
- Stock gallery & camera
- Based on wiko rainbow stock rom, so there are very less chances of bugs
- Lollipop lockscreen
- Pre -rooted
- Busybox installed
- ABS Tweak inbuilt
- Better ram management
- Better battery backup
- ROM's size is 240 MB
- Build prop tweaks
- Lollipop inspired volume panel
- Screenrecord in power menu
- 4 ways reboot options in power menu
- Dark themed settings
- Search button in settings' action bar
- Lollipop status bar icons
- Lollipop notification panel with awesome animation
- Flashlight toggle in panel
- Delete button after taking ss
- Themed framework like lollipop
- Battery styles with battery bar option
- Mystic Fibres in settings
- Changelogs, rom logo, release date, etc in About Dark Mystic
- Smart gestures & Gesture anywhere options
- Font chooser
- Engineer mod & scheduled power on off
- App ops, autostarts & phone settings
- Option to change lcd density
- Media scanner on boot
- Multi user options
- Build prop modder
- Performance control and time in state in Mystic Fibres
- Ad Blocker
- Listview and toast animations
- Keyboard animation
- Custom progress bar
- Scrolling animation
- 3 network traffics
- Clock & date options
- Dynamic system bars
- Heads up notifications
- Low battery warning options
- Carrier label on statusbar
- Navigation bar with options
- Cyanogenmod Lock
- Etc , more find out urself
- Dark Blue themed
- Material designed
- Marshmallow bootanimation
- Dark Mystic bootlogo
- Lollipop app icons
- Nova launcher prime default launcher
- Android M sounds
- Marshmallow platlogo & game
- CM12.1 music player
- Material themed dialer, contacts, mms , & all other system apps
- Floating action buttons in messaging & calender
- Card stack recent panel
- Stock gallery & camera
- Based on wiko rainbow stock rom, so there are very less chances of bugs
- Lollipop lockscreen
- Pre -rooted
- Busybox installed
- ABS Tweak inbuilt
- Better ram management
- Better battery backup
- ROM's size is 240 MB
- Build prop tweaks
- Lollipop inspired volume panel
- Screenrecord in power menu
- 4 ways reboot options in power menu
- Dark themed settings
- Search button in settings' action bar
- Lollipop status bar icons
- Lollipop notification panel with awesome animation
- Flashlight toggle in panel
- Delete button after taking ss
- Themed framework like lollipop
- Battery styles with battery bar option
- Mystic Fibres in settings
- Changelogs, rom logo, release date, etc in About Dark Mystic
- Smart gestures & Gesture anywhere options
- Font chooser
- Engineer mod & scheduled power on off
- App ops, autostarts & phone settings
- Option to change lcd density
- Media scanner on boot
- Multi user options
- Build prop modder
- Performance control and time in state in Mystic Fibres
- Ad Blocker
- Listview and toast animations
- Keyboard animation
- Custom progress bar
- Scrolling animation
- 3 network traffics
- Clock & date options
- Dynamic system bars
- Heads up notifications
- Low battery warning options
- Carrier label on statusbar
- Navigation bar with options
- Cyanogenmod Lock
- Etc , more find out urself
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