Fixing Invalid IMEI
#Rooted Phone
#Mobile uncle tool--DOWNLOAD HERE
#Original IMEI (u will found it under battery of phone)
open Mobile uncle tool
Select Engineering mod
Select MtK
Select Connectivity
Select CDS Information
Select Radio Information
Now u will Found 2 Option
#Phone 1
#Phone 2
Now Select Phone 1 and see above a box with "AT". Cut it from box And Write it AT<space>EGMR=1,7,"<write here ur original 1st IMEI" (write with quat must be)
Now press send Command
Now go back and
Now Select Phone 2 and see above a box with "AT". Cut it from box And Write it AT<space>EGMR=1,10,"<write here ur original 2nd IMEI" (write with quat must be)
Now press Send Command
Now Restart your phone And press dial *#06#
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