How to flash stock ROM using SP Flash tool


PC (Windows)

SP Flash Tool

VCOM Drivers

Stock ROM

A Working Brain



 1. Download all necessary things from above links.

 2. Insall the vcom drivers into your pc, downloaded from above link.

3. Power off your phone. 

4. Extract the Stock ROM to Folder.

5. Now open Flash_tool.exe (you will find this in the flash tool's folder)

6. Once SP flash tool launched, click on Scatter-loading button from right.

7. Now, locate the scatter file. you will find this on Stock ROM's Extracted folder.

8. Click on download button to start flashing process.

9. Now connect your phone to PC using USB data cable.

10. The flashing process will start now. Once completed, a green ring will appear.

11. Disconnect your phone & power on your phone.

12. First boot may take upto 20 minutes. Be petient.  


I am not responsible for your bricked device...
Please follow the method step by step by step with caution.

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