**Add Name on statusbar**

What u need:
  1. ·         A rooted phone.
  2. ·         Xposed installer installed(framework updated).
  3. ·         EX-Themer.
  4. ·         A little bit Mind.

How to:-
  1. §  Download & install xposed and EX-themer(links r given below).                                                 
  2. §  Open xposed installer,Go to modules xthemer.
  3. §  Then back & go to framework ,here tap install/update,Grant root permission & reboot.

  4. §  Now open EX-themer,Tap statusbar mods thenstatusbar clock tweak & mod,Here u can see Clock settings at bottom all in clock setting & add a custom text {your name} (i.e Sípùn).Then back to main menu of EX-themer ,Tap restart systemUI & Grant root permission..

  5. §  Volla..!!!!! U can see your name in your status bar..



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