As long as we have a base to work off of, Custom ROMs will always be alive and kicking. The amazing thing about the Android community is that sometimes people seem to do things just because they can. When we have extremely old devices updated to the newest version of android before even current flagships, that's pretty fucking cool, and a custom ROM is the only way to do that. For a while there it seemed like Xposed was going to make ROMs obsolete but now with Lollipop the need for custom ROMs is even more apparent; it's just a cleaner way of doing things than applying modifications using a framework that can be made obsolete simply with a change of runtime (don't get me wrong, I love Xposed. It's just always felt sort of hacky)
Most Features of This Rom-> Based on 4.2.2
-> Aroma Based Installer
-> Some new Framework pngs
-> Super Smooth UI
-> Enhanced performance
-> Mi File Explore added
-> Improved Sound Quality
-> ..and much
-> Aroma Based Installer
-> Some new Framework pngs
-> Super Smooth UI
-> Enhanced performance
-> Mi File Explore added
-> Improved Sound Quality
-> ..and much
->nightwalker (@xda porting and bug fixing)
->me (for ss)
->nightwalker (@xda porting and bug fixing)
->me (for ss)
CLICK HERE to download the ROM
Note: this rom is for xolo a500s non ips s013
Other IPS user and non IPS User after flash this rom just flash this patch
CLICK HERE to download ips patch(s002/s003/s005) & Non IPS patch (s016/s014)
How To Flash This Rom
1: Your phone must be rooted. If not rooted
please root your phone.
Here Is the Complete Guide of Rooting
1: Your phone must be rooted. If not rooted
please root your phone.
Here Is the Complete Guide of Rooting
2:Your phone must me installed
an custom Recovery
Here Is the Complete Guide of installing Custom Recovery
an custom Recovery
Here Is the Complete Guide of installing Custom Recovery
First Go To Recovery Mode :
Turn off the Phone Press and hold
" Volume Up + Power " Butons
to go to recovery mode
1.wipe data factory reset --> Yes--delete
all user data
2. - wipe cache partition --> Yes--Wipe
3. - advanced --> Wipe Dalvik Cache -->
Yes--wipe dalvik cache
4. - mounts and storage --> Format /
System /data /cache (Recommended)
5. - install zip from sd --> - choose zip
from sdcard --> - Select Zip
6. - reboot System now
1.First Open TWRP Recovery
(Turn Off your ph and press and hold
Vol Up + Power Key To open Recovery)
2.wipe--->cache--->swipe to wipe
--->dalvik cache--->swipe to wipe
--->factory reset--->swipe to wipe
--->system--->swipe to wipe
3.install--->choose zip(your rom)--->swipe ti install
1.First Open CTR Recovery
(Turn Off your ph and press and hold
Vol Up + Power Key To open Recovery)
2.wipe--->wipe cache--->Yes
-->wipe dalvik cache--->Yes
--->wipe data - factory reset--->Yes
3.install--->choose zip(your rom)--->Yes
Now reboot your phone and enjoy new custom Rom
1.First Open TWRP Recovery
(Turn Off your ph and press and hold
Vol Up + Power Key To open Recovery)
2.wipe--->cache--->swipe to wipe
--->dalvik cache--->swipe to wipe
--->factory reset--->swipe to wipe
--->system--->swipe to wipe
3.install--->choose zip(your rom)--->swipe ti install
1.First Open CTR Recovery
(Turn Off your ph and press and hold
Vol Up + Power Key To open Recovery)
2.wipe--->wipe cache--->Yes
-->wipe dalvik cache--->Yes
--->wipe data - factory reset--->Yes
3.install--->choose zip(your rom)--->Yes
Now reboot your phone and enjoy new custom Rom
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