To better interact and connect with the readers on your blog, it’s  always good to have a forum running on your blog. It provides a path for the readers to interact between themselves, thereby, we actually build a community of bloggers. Sounds good. Isn’t it? But, how do I do this, that too on Blogger? Well, it’s pretty simple! In this article, I’ll guide you to embed a free forum on your blogger/blogspot blog. You may check out the screen shot below to preview the final output of the forum before we get started.
The above screen shot shows the basic version of the forum while you can customize the same using their “Settings” option available on the admin panel. So, without wasting your time, let me dive into the tutorial straight away.

1. Create a new stand alone page on your blog. To do so, navigate to “Edit Posts >> Edit Pages” and hit the tab that says “New Page”. Now, type a title for your page, say “Forum” and publish the page. You may leave the content part empty. Now, look out for the address bar. Just save the URL to a temporary text document, say Doc 1, which should probably look similar to the URL shown below.

2.Next, you need to navigate to the following link – Nabble. Sign up and follow the simple procedures to generate your forum. Now, choose the options menu at the top and hit the “Embedding Options” to get the script. Save this script to a temporary text document as well.

3. Next, navigate to “Design >> Edit HTML” from your blogger dashboard and search for the following code.

<div id='content-wrapper'>

Add the following codes just above the line you searched for.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>

Now, replace “CODE FROM NABBLE” in the above code with the script that you downloaded in step 2. The one which you temporarily saved to a text document in step 2.

Next, add the following piece of code just above </head> in your template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>
<style type='text/css'>
#content-wrapper {
display:none !important;

4. If you did not find the code mentioned in step 3, then look out for the following code and follow the remaining procedures as mentioned below. Else, skip to step 5.

<div class='columns fauxcolumns'>

Add the following codes just above the line you searched for.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>

Now, replace “CODE FROM NABBLE” in the above code with the script that you downloaded in step 2. The one which you temporarily to a text document in step 2.

Next, add the following piece of code just above </head> in your template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>
<style type='text/css'>
.columns, .fauxcolumns {
display:none !important;

Note: If you don’t find any of those codes mentioned above, neither the one at step 3 nor the one at step 4, then, leave a comment below and I’ll let you know where you need to add the codes by looking at your blog’s page source.

5. Don’t forget to replace “FORUM URL” in the above codes with your forum URL  – the one you saved to Doc 1 (refer step 1), before you save your template. Well, that’s it! Your done and your forum should be live.

I’m not sure if we can embed a similar forum on your WordPress blog, but I guess you can do the same with nabble because it’s just embedding a script which should probably work independently on any platform – I leave it to the WP geeks out there:) I would like to know your opinions about the article via comments.

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