Multi Search-1Multi Search-2

Do you looking for a picture?

Would you like to shop at a cheaper price?

Do you looking for a movie?

Do you wonder the sports news like a NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL?

Do you want a make or do something?

Do you looking for a good restaurant?

This app is the answer.

Search and find it.

Images : picasa, pinterest, flickr, …

Price comparison : amazon, ebay, …

Movie : IMDb, …

Sports : ESPN, …

Something to do : ABOUT, eHow, Answers, …

Restaurant : Yelp, …

Normal search : Google, Yahoo, bing, …


You can search multiple sites at once.


This app has own multi-tab browser like a dolphin browser, so you can easily move to other search sites.


Default target sites will change depending on your mobile device language country setting.

But it just a default list, you can make your own list easily.

– Global

: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia, Twitter, Youtube, ASK, ABOUT, Answers, Stackoverflow, Dailymotion, IMDb, Picasa, Pinterest, Flickr, Google Image

– U.S.

: AOL, ASK, ESPN, eHow, Yelp, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Google Shopping, Yahoo Shopping, …

– Japanese

: Yahoo japan, Livedoor, Goo, Hatena, Nifty, Excite, Okwave, So-net, Nicovideo, Rakuten, Amazon jp, Yahoo shopping, Kakaku, …

– Chinese

: Baidu, Soso, Sogou, Youdao, Sina, IFeng, Tudou,, Taobao, 360buy, Amazon china, Dangdang, Newegg, M18, …

– Korean

: Naver, Daum, Nate, Naver shopping, Daum shopping, Danawa, Auction, Interpark, Daum TvPot, PandoraTV, Nate pann, GomTV, Jobkorea, Incruit, Albamon, Alba, …

– Russian

: Yandex,, Rambler, …

Size : 545k

Current Version : 6.5

Requires Android : 2.2 and up


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