Hong Yi is an artist/architect from Malaysia known as, ‘the artist who loves to paint, but not with a paintbrush’. She also goes by the nickname ‘Red’ because Hong sounds like the word ‘red’ in Mandarin.
Last month, Hong challenged herself to create a new piece of food art for every day of March and share the results on Instagram. There were only two rules:
1. Only food can be used
2. The creations must be placed on a white plate, which serves as the backdrop
In a recent interview.
“My ‘creativity with food‘ series has helped me push the limits of my creativity, and has taught me to work within the confines of a very small area – my previous works range from 1 x 2 to 3 x 4 meters. I’ve learned to slice, dice, stir, boil…who would have thought I’d need that to do art!”
cherry tomatoes, nori and soy sauce
watermelon, watermelon seeds
squid, squid inknori, apple
red onions, mint leaves
Dried chilli, with peanut butter as mortar; Ground: peanut butter and dill; Chimney smoke and clouds: Mayonnaise; Wolf: Charcoal bread, and olives for nose; Lines: Marmite
egg shells, hard-boiled egg
long-grain rice and nori
chopped carrots, white radish, dried prunes
ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, oyster sauce
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